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Interacting with the system

Web interfaces

On Kubernetes environment

  • Prometheus and Grafana: The interfaces to monitor the system
    • Prometheus Server dashboard: accessible at https://revue-prometheus
    • Grafana dashboard: accessible at https://revue-grafana
      • Credentials:
        • Username: admin
        • Password: Get the password by running kubectl get secret --namespace default grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
      • Accessing to the dashboard clicking on Dashboards (there are some pre-configured dashboards)

Note that kubernetes IPs depend on your cluster's network-specific configuration. Edit configuration files in kubernetes/specifications/metallb/ folder to adhere to your case.

Monitoring with devices (WoT)

Go to the revue-sample-thing repository and follow the instructions in the README to set up your own WoT device. Note that if you are running the system with Docker Compose, a sample containerised device is already deployed. Once the device is up and running, you can add it to the system through the Revue Web Interface.

  • Go to Revue Web Interface and log in
  • Go to the Devices section
  • Click on the Add Device button
  • Fill in the form with the device URI
    • <container-name>:<exposed-port> if revue is running with Docker Compose
      • The already deployed sample device is exposed at revue-thing:6000
    • Test the connection.
    • If the connection is successful, it will automatically retrieve the device's capabilities. Eventually, give a description and click Ok to add the device to the system.
  • Monitor the device data through the various sections depending on the device capabilities.

