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Functional Requirements

  1. User Management
    1. The system should allow two types of users: Admin and Guardian.
    2. Users can log in to the system.
    3. Admin possibility to create a new user of type Guardian.
    4. Admin possibility to modify Guardians information.
    5. Possibility to remove a Guardian.
    6. Permission and Contact management by the Admin.
  2. Location Management
    1. Admin possibility to create a new location.
    2. Admin possibility to remove a location.
  3. Device Management
    1. Guardian possibility to federate a device.
    2. Guardian possibility to modify device description.
    3. Guardian possibility to enable and disable a device.
    4. Guardian possibility to remove a device.
  4. Monitoring
    1. Consult real-time environment data through a chart.
    2. Consult video streaming.
  5. Alarm Management
    1. Possibility to create a security rule.
    2. Possibility to update a security rule.
    3. Possibility to delete a security rule.
  6. Notification Management
    1. Consult all the notifications sent by the system.
    2. Possibility to receive real-time notifications.
    3. Possibility to receive notifications when an alarm is triggered due to a security rule.
  7. History
    1. Consult the history of produced data.
    2. Consult the history of triggered alarms (Intrusions or Outliers).

User Stories

  • User:

    1. As an Admin,
      [I want to] create a new user in the system,
      [so that] the user can access the system and consult it.

    2. As an Admin,
      [I want to] modify user contacts information,
      [so that] the user contacts are updated in the system.

    3. As an Admin,
      [I want to] add/remove user permissions,
      [so that] the user permissions are updated in the system.

    4. As an Admin,
      [I want to] delete a user from the system,
      [so that] the user is removed from the system.

  • Location:

    1. As an Admin,
      [I want to] create a new location in the system,
      [so that] the location is created in the system and I can grant the access to Guardians.

    2. As an Admin,
      [I want to] delete a location from the system,
      [so that] the location is removed from the system and Guardians can't access it anymore.

  • Device:

    1. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] federate a device in the system,
      [so that] the device is federated in the system, and I can consult the device information and real-time data according to its capabilities.

    2. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] modify the device description,
      [so that] the device description is updated in the system.

    3. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] enable or disable a device in the system,
      [so that] the device is producing or not real-time data.

    4. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] delete a device from the system,
      [so that] the device is removed from the system.

  • Monitoring:

    1. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] consult the real-time measurements produced by a specific device with some sensing capabilities,
      [so that] I can see some data, choose the desired monitoring measure and consult the measurement value and unit.

    2. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] consult the video streaming produced by a specific device with some video streaming capabilities,
      [so that] I can see the video streaming produced by the device.

  • Security Rule Management:

    1. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] create a security rule in the system,
      [so that] the alarm service will check the security rule and trigger an alarm when certain conditions are meet.

    2. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] update a security rule in the system,
      [so that] the alarm service will check the updated security rule and trigger an alarm when the new conditions are satisfied.

    3. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] delete a security rule from the system,
      [so that] the alarm service will not consider the deleted security rule anymore.

  • Notification:

    1. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] consult the notifications sent by the system,
      [so that] I can see the notification type, the date and other notification properties.

    2. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] receive real-time notifications through broken security rule's specified contacts, when an alarm is triggered,\

    • [so that] I can consult it.
  • History:

    1. As a Guardian,
      [I want to] consult the history of produced data and alarms triggered,
      [so that] I can see the history and eventually take some actions.