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Detailed Design

N.B. In the diagrams of this section, interface notation has been used to represent the main concepts, however this will then be encoded appropriately based on the microservice technology.


Each microservice has a package structure that is similar to the following:

Domain Events

All domain events are part of the Shared Kernel and are used by all microservices. The following diagram shows the domain events used in the system:



The Auth microservice is responsible for managing the authentication and authorization of users. User entity here, has a focus on the authentication and authorization mechanisms.


The User microservice is responsible for managing user data. The vision of the User entity here is different from the Auth microservice, as it focuses on the user's personal data.


The Device microservice is responsible for managing the devices. The focus here is on the Capability concept, which allows the device to have multiple and flexible types of functionalities.

Moreover, DeviceService has an important role because it encapsulates the business logic for the device management and connection using Web of Things (WoT) standard.


The Monitoring microservice has the responsibility of continuously listening to the devices and collecting the data.


The Alarm microservice is responsible for managing security rules and for triggering anomalies when a rule is violated.

When a SecurityRule is violated, an Anomaly is created and published.


The Recognition microservice is an ad-hoc service used to perform object recognition on devices' video streams.


In the Notification microservice, the focus is on the Notification entity, which is created whenever a DomainEvent is triggered. In this way, the system can notify the user about all possible events that occur.


Log microservice is an ad-hoc service used to store the major part of the system's data. In particular, it stores all the Anomalies detected by the Alarm microservice and all the Measurements collected by the physical devices.