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Microservices patterns

Communication patterns

Having opted for a microservice architecture, which means that components are intrinsically weakly coupled, it was necessary to reason about inter-process communication modes. Depending on the situation, there are the modes of interaction. Specifically, if a microservice needs to communicate with another component to retrieve essential information for completing a business operation, the Remote Procedure Invocation (request/response) pattern will be preferred. It will therefore be a one-to-one communication. Whereas, the Asynchronous messaging pattern (publish/subscribe, one-way notifications) will be preferred in situations where a microservice needs to communicate with other components simply to notify the occurrence of an event, a new state, or action taken by a user, etc.
In this case it could be either one-to-one or one-to-many communication.

In the case of RPC, the communication will be implemented using the REST mechanism, using the HTTP protocol. In the case of asynchronous messaging, the communication will be based on events.

In both cases, the message format will be text-based such as JSON.

External API patterns

API Gateway

The specific use of the API Gateway pattern will be the one of reverse proxy. This pattern provides a single entry point, a facade, for all clients. It routes requests to the appropriate microservice by encapsulating the service decomposition and APIs. Clients, rather than calling the services directly, call the API Gateway. When used in combination with the appropriate deployment platform, it provides the opportunity to load balance the requests among the microservices.

Deployment patterns

  • Service as a container: each microservice is deployed as a container. In this way, the microservices are isolated from each other, and they can be scaled independently. Container images are lightweight and fast to build and start. For containerization, we used Docker.
  • Database per service: each microservice has its own database. Services communicate only via APIs favoring a more loosely coupled architecture. This allows having a database schema optimized for the microservice.
  • Externalized configuration: instead of hard-wiring or hard-coding a configuration for a particular environment in which the system would run, configuration property values are supplied at runtime. We used the Push model approach, where the configuration values are passed to service using the operating system environment variables or configuration files.

Security patterns

Token Authentication

The system uses token-based authentication. For each request, the client must send a token in the Authorization header. The token is generated by the authentication service when the user logs in. The token contains the user's information, such as the user's id and the user's role. We use the JWT (JSON Web Token) standard to generate the token. When a request is received, the system verifies the token (which is self-contained) and can extract the user's information from it.