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Decomposition Strategy

The system is decomposed into microservices using the bounded context decomposition strategy. Other relevant characteristics that have been taken into account are:

  • Scalability: Each microservice can be scaled independently.
  • Technology: Each microservice can be implemented using different technologies.
  • Modularity: Each microservice can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently.
  • Maintainability: Each microservice can be updated independently without affecting the entire system.

API Design

Starting from the use cases, we defined the APIs for each microservice. The APIs are defined using the OpenAPI Specification.

Auth service

This microservice is responsible for authentication and authorization. It is responsible for managing user accounts, roles, and permissions. It is also responsible for generating JWT tokens for accessing other services in the system.

Feature: Authentication

Feature: Authentication

Scenario: User login
Given I have a valid username and password
When I login
Then I should receive a JWT token

Scenario: User logout
Given I am logged in
When I logout
Then I should no longer have access to the system

OpenAPI Specification

Alarm service

This microservice is responsible for analyzing the data coming from sensors and cameras and consequently notifying anomalies. To recognize anomalies, some rule must be defined. The main operations of this service are those to manage the security rules.

Feature: Security Rule Management

Feature: Security Rule Management

Scenario: Create a security rule
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I create a security rule in the system
Then the alarm service should check the security rule
And trigger an alarm if the conditions are satisfied

Scenario: Update a security rule
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I update a security rule in the system
Then the alarm service should check the updated security rule
And trigger an alarm if the new conditions are satisfied

Scenario: Delete a security rule
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I delete a security rule from the system
Then the alarm service should no longer check the deleted security rule

OpenAPI Specification

User service

This microservice is responsible for managing user data.

Feature: User Management

Feature: User Management

Scenario: Create a new user
Given I am logged in as an Admin
When I create a new user in the system
Then the user should be able to access and consult the system

Scenario: Modify user contact information
Given I am logged in as an Admin
When I update the contact information for a user
Then the user’s contact information should be updated in the system

Scenario: Delete a user
Given I am logged in as an Admin
When I delete a user from the system
Then the user should be removed from the system

OpenAPI Specification

Location service

Devices can be located in different locations. The system provides the possibility to manage rooms and buildings.

Feature: Location Management

Feature: Location Management

Scenario: Create a new location
Given I am logged in as an Admin
When I create a new location in the system
Then the location should be created in the system
And I should be able to assign Guardians to it

Scenario: Delete a location
Given I am logged in as an Admin
When I delete a location from the system
Then the location should be removed from the system
And Guardians should no longer have access to it

OpenAPI Specification

Device service

This microservice is responsible for managing devices. It can federate a device, modify their description, enable or disable, and delete them.

Feature: Device Management

Feature: Device Management

Scenario: Federate a device
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I federate a device in the system
Then the device should be federated in the system
And I should be able to consult the device information and access its real-time data

Scenario: Modify device description
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I update the description of a device
Then the device description should be updated in the system

Scenario: Enable or disable a device
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I enable or disable a device in the system
Then the device should be enabled or disabled in the system
And the device should start or stop producing real-time data accordingly

Scenario: Delete a device
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I delete a device from the system
Then the device should be removed from the system

OpenAPI Specification

Recognition service

This microservice provides the capability to recognize people and objects in video streams. It then sends the recognized data to the alarm service.

This service has no public API.

Monitoring service

This microservice is the main service that enables the user to monitor the system.

Feature: Real-time Data and Video Streaming Consultation

Feature: Real-time Data and Video Streaming Consultation

Scenario: Consult real-time environment data from a specific device
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I consult the real-time environment data produced by a device with sensing capabilities
Then I should be able to see the data
And I should be able to choose the desired monitoring measure
And I should be able to consult the measurement value and unit

Scenario: Consult video streaming from a specific device
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I consult the video streaming produced by a device with video streaming capabilities
Then I should be able to see the video streaming produced by the device

OpenAPI Specification

Notification service

This microservice is responsible for delivering notifications to the user.

Feature: Notification Management

Feature: Notification Management

Scenario: Consult system notifications
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I consult the notifications sent by the system
Then I should be able to see the notification type, the date, and other notification properties

Scenario: Receive real-time notifications when an alarm is triggered
Given a security rule is broken
When an alarm is triggered
Then I should receive real-time notifications through the specified contacts
And I should be able to see and consult the notification in real-time

OpenAPI Specification

Log service

This microservice is responsible for logging system events.

Feature: Data and Alarm History Consultation

Feature: Data and Alarm History Consultation

Scenario: Consult the history of produced data and triggered alarms
Given I am logged in as a Guardian
When I consult the history of produced data and triggered alarms
Then I should be able to see the history of data and alarms
And I should be able to take appropriate actions based on the history

OpenAPI Specification

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture

The design of all relevant microservices follows the Clean Architecture pattern. This helped us in maintaining a core domain design that abstracts away from all technical issues. As showed in the picture above, we made use of the following layers:

  • Domain: DDD entities, value objects, factories, ...
  • Application: DDD services, repositories, ...
  • Presentation: Machinery to translate external data representation to domain entities and vice versa.
  • Infrastructure: Mostly external service implementation, DB interfaces, REST APIs, Events managers, ...

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